Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm alive! really!

I was totally going to fill this blog up with some content, I had some ideas and stuff to say...then the holidays hit. I  became swamped with preparing for all of that and spending time with family. Once it started to slow down a bit I immediately jumped into writing full force on TCoT because...I'm going to enter a contest.

Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award--to be exact. Details on that are here:

Basically, the main prize is a $15,000 publishing contract with Penguin...and the contest starts on the 23rd. That means, I need to get the rest of TCoT typed up, get people to read it, edit it, and write a pitch. All before the 23rd. Piece of cake, right?

I doubt I can get TCoT in the super awesome state I want it to be, but maybe I can do enough to get the judges to dig it. But if I don't win? No big deal--I would run it through some more editing while preparing to publish it as an ebook. As far as I see it, no matter how this goes, I will still accomplish a great deal!

After all this work is done--I'll update more frequently. Promise!